
How Many Pounds of Stuffing Per Person?

When it comes to stuffing, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The amount of stuffing you’ll need per person depends on a few factors, including the size of your bird, the number of people you’re feeding, and how much other food you’re serving. If you’re cooking a turkey or chicken that weighs 12 pounds or less, plan on 1/2 pound of stuffing per person.

For birds weighing more than 12 pounds, plan on 3/4 pound of stuffing per person. And if you want leftovers (or are feeding a crowd), aim for 1 pound of stuffing per person.

How much stuffing should you make per person? The answer may surprise you! Most people believe that they need to make one pound of stuffing per person.

But the truth is, you only need about a half a pound of stuffing per person. That’s because most people only eat about a quarter to a half cup of stuffing at a meal. So if you’re planning on making stuffing for a group of four people, you only need to make two pounds of stuffing.

And if you’re feeding a crowd of eight or more, you can get away with making just four pounds of stuffing. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines. If your family or friends are known to eat larger portions, or if you want leftovers, then by all means make more stuffing.

But for the average eater, a half pound per person should be plenty.

How many pounds of turkey should you have per person?

How Much Salad Dressing Per Person ?

Assuming you’re making a salad for four people, you’ll need about 1/2 cup of salad dressing. That may seem like a lot, but remember that most of the dressing will be absorbed by the greens. If you’re using a particularly absorbent green, like spinach, you may need to use a bit more.

And if you want your salad to be extra flavorful, go ahead and add another tablespoon or two. Just keep in mind that too much dressing can make a salad soggy and unappetizing.

How Many Cups are in a Box of Stove Top-Stuffing?

There are six cups in a box of Stove Top-Stuffing. This is enough to make stuffing for twelve people.

How Much Does Cotton Stuffing Cost ?

If you’re making a stuffed animal or other item that requires stuffing, you may be wondering how much cotton stuffing costs. The answer depends on a few factors, including the type of stuffing and where you purchase it. Generally, polyester fiberfill is the most inexpensive type of stuffing, while natural fibers like wool or cotton cost more.

You can usually find polyester fiberfill at any craft store. For natural fibers, your best bet is an online retailer specializing in sewing and crafting supplies. As for the price itself, a bag of polyester fiberfill typically costs around $5-$10.

A bag of cotton stuffing may cost slightly more, around $10-$15. Of course, prices can vary depending on the brand and where you shop. When comparing prices, be sure to look at the quantity as well as the cost to get an accurate comparison.

In general, cotton stuffing is a bit more expensive than polyester fiberfill.

How Much is Stuffing for Pillows ?

Pillows are one of those things that we don’t think about very often, but they play a big role in our lives. We spend a lot of time resting our heads on them, so it’s important to have a good quality pillow. But how much stuffing is needed to make a pillow?

The amount of stuffing you need will depend on the size of the pillow and the type of filling you’re using. For example, if you’re using polyester fiberfill, you’ll need about 2 pounds for a standard size pillow. If you’re using down feathers, you’ll need about 4 ounces per pillow.

The best way to determine how much stuffing you need is to stuff the pillow until it’s firm but still feels comfortable. You don’t want it to be too soft or too hard. Once you’ve determined the perfect amount of stuffing, mark it on the outside of the pillow so you remember for next time.

How Many Pounds of Stuffing Per Person

Credit: www.popsugar.com

How Much Stuffing Do I Need for 9 People?

If you’re planning on serving stuffing at your next holiday meal, you might be wondering how much you’ll need to make. After all, no one wants to run out of stuffing (or have too much left over).

Here’s a helpful guide for how much stuffing you’ll need, based on the number of people you’re serving:

1. For 4 people: 3-4 cups of stuffing

2. For 6 people: 6-8 cups of stuffing

3. For 8-10 people: 8-12 cups of stuffing

4. For 12 or more people: 12+ cups of stuffings Assuming that each person will eat about 1 cup of stuffing, 9 people would fall into the 8-10 person category.

That means you should plan on making 8-12 cups of stuffing.

Of course, this is just a general guideline – some people may want seconds (or even thirds!) while others may not eat as much. So it’s always best to err on the side of caution and make a bit extra just in case.

How Much Stuffing Do I Need for 11 People?

This is a great question! The amount of stuffing you’ll need really depends on how much your guests eat and how big your turkey is. A good rule of thumb is to allow for about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of stuffing per person.

So, for 11 people, you would need 5-8 cups of stuffing. If you’re not sure how much to make, it’s always better to err on the side of making too much rather than too little. That way, if everyone goes back for seconds (or thirds!), there will be plenty to go around.

Plus, leftover stuffing is always delicious the next day!

How Much Dry Stuffing Per-Person Do I Need?

When it comes to making dry stuffing, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The amount of dry stuffing you’ll need per person will depend on a number of factors, including the type of bread you’re using, the size of your bread cubes, and how moist or dry you like-your stuffing. That said, a good rule of thumb is to start with 1/2 cup of dry stuffing mix per person.

From there, you can add more or less depending on your preferences. If you’re using a very dense bread like rye or pumpernickel, you may want to use a bit less than 1/2 cup per person. And if you like your stuffing on the drier side, you may want to add an extra tablespoon or two of mix per person.

Once you’ve got your dry mix measured out, it’s time to add in wet ingredients like broth or eggs. For every 1/2 cup of dry mix, you’ll want to add about 1/4 cup of liquid. So for four people, you’d need 2 cups of dry mix and 1 cup of liquid.

Adjust the amount up or down depending on how moist or dry you like-your stuffing. Finally, once everything is mixed together, taste your stuffing and adjust the seasoning as needed. Stuffing is best when it’s nice and flavorful, so don’t be afraid to go heavy on the sage, thyme, and salt!

How Many Boxes of Stove Top Stuffing Do I Need for 20 People?

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means it’s time to start planning your menu. If you’re feeding a crowd, you may be wondering how much Stove Top Stuffing you need to make. Here’s a helpful guide to ensure you have enough stuffing for everyone.

For a group of 20 people, you will need 12 boxes of Stove Top Stuffing. This will give you enough stuffing to make approximately 48 servings. Each serving is about 1/2 cup of stuffing, so plan accordingly.


This blog post discusses how much stuffing is needed per person for Thanksgiving dinner. The author recommends 1/2 pound of stuffing per person, but says that some people may want more or less. They also suggest making a bit extra in case anyone wants seconds.